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Under the ‘Health and Safety at Work Act 1974’ Meadow Primary Out of School Care Club is must ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all their employees, irrespective of age. 


  • A young person is anyone under 18 and

  • A child is anyone who has not yet reached the official minimum school leaving age (MSLA). Pupils will reach the MSLA in the school year in which they turn 16.


What does so far as reasonably practicable mean?

This means balancing the level of risk against the measures needed to control the real risk in terms of money, time or trouble.  However, you do not need to take action if it would be grossly disproportionate to the level of risk.





  1. Staff must wear their I.D badges


  1. Staff must carry out their duties in a manner that will not endanger themselves, colleagues or members of the public.


  1. All unauthorised visitors must be challenged and details entered in the visitor’s book or register.


  1. All rooms should be well lit, with plenty of natural light.


  1. Materials and equipment must be used with compliance with the manufactures instructions or directions.


  1. Electrical and mechanical equipment must not be interfered with by unauthorised personnel.


  1. All flammable materials and liquids must be used and stored in a safe manner.i.e in a locked cupboard.


  1. All working places must be kept in a clean, healthy and hygienic condition.


  1. The correct tools and equipment for the particular job must always be used.


  1. All tools and equipment must be stored and maintained in good order.


  1. Arrangements should be made for safe car parking, setting down and collecting children.


  1. All staff must be instructed on the sitting of fire fighting appliances and be acquainted with the operating instructions. Extinguishers are only to be used on fires if the user is not at risk, see Fire Procedures, Fire And Emergency Exit Plan, Fire Prevention, and our Fire Safety Policy .


  1. Staff must report to their supervisors any known dangerous practices.


  1. All staff must be instructed on the procedure to be followed should an emergency occur.


  1. The club should pay particular attention to the staff/volunteers arriving early or leaving late in during the session to ensure the safety of the others. No one should be expected or asked to be in the building or wait outside alone at any time.


  1. Staff must be made aware of the siting of the nearest telephone in order to call any emergency service required.


  1. Heating and ventilation systems should comply with legal requirements and temperatures should be maintained. The temperature for young children should be: 65 degree F and for babies: 70 degrees F.


  1. All employees should co-operate fully with all of the staff and children.


  1. When using chemicals, the manufacturer’s recommendation concerning use and safety precautions should be adhered to at all times.


  1. Any materials suspected of being asbestos must be reported to the landlord.


  1. All bins, including the bin area should be cleaned regularly. The bin area should not be accessible to the children.


Electricity at work


  • All staff should be trained how to operate all electrical equipment, to help prevent any injuries.


  • Staff should only use the equipment if they are confident and feel safe.


  • Ensure that there is a programme for periodic testing of portable electrical equipment (P.A.T. testing).


  • Do not use electrical equipment if it has electrical leads frayed, split, wires loose or plugs broken. You should also ensure that you do not use broken plug sockets. Report any dangerous electrical equipment immediately to the Manager or the deputy Manager in her absence.


  • Electrical equipment must not be use or touched if you have wet hands.


  •  Unauthorised staff or the public must not interfere with electrical equipment.


  • Ensure that you switch off a plug before you take it out of the socket. You should also remember to grasp the plug not pull it form the cable.


  • Switch off all sockets when they are not in use.


  • Do not run electrical cables under carpets or across the floor. This will help prevent hazards.


  • Do not overload electrical points by using multiply adapters.


  • Connecting an electrical appliance in one room by a cable to a socket in another room is forbidden.


  • Regular inspections and test are run on electrical equipment to ensure that they are safe to use.


  • All sockets in reach of children are to have safety plugs fitted when not in use to prevent injury.


  • Every room has emergency lighting, in case of a power cut.


Structures and play equipment


  1. All equipment is checked daily and any faults are corrected otherwise the equipment is removed from the setting. This is to help prevent any accidents or injuries to the children and staff.


  1. Areas are kept clear and misuse of equipment is forbidden.


3.Faults/damage to outside equipment and safety surfacing must be reported immediately to the Manager or the deputy Manager in her absence.


Fire procedures


1.All staff should be aware of the fire procedures, they should be fully trained and clearly understood.


2.Fire drills should be carried out regularly, so that in case of a fire the children and staff are calm and are able to deal with the situation appropriately. Test for the fire drills should also be done regularly.


3.Fire extinguishers should also be checked and maintained regularly.


Fire and emergency exit plan


As it has already been mentioned the staff should be fully aware of the fire and emergency evacuation procedure. The meeting points are on the walls of both rooms, so that they are clear and seen.


The staff should know:


  • Where the alarms are situated – one in room1,2,3 & 4 as well as the hallway between rooms 3 & 4.

  • How to set the alarm – keyholders only

  • Not to panic and be calm

  • Where the emergency exits are – 1 in room 1, 1 in room 2, 1 in room 3 and 1 in room 4.

  • The escape routes – Same as previous point plus 1 in the hallway leading to room 1, 1 in room 1, 1 in room 2, 2 in room 3, 1 in the hallway between rooms 3 and 4 and 1 in room 4.

  • The assembly point – railings outside the reception playground.

  • The fire fighting equipment and how to use it – fire extinguishers sited in each room plus the hallway between rooms 3 and 4. 

  • The nearest telephone, outside the club, in order to contact any necessary emergency services if they are unable to gain access to the club telephone.


Fire prevention


A fire could occur outside the opening hours of the club sessions. The risk of fire can be minimised by observing a few very simple rules:


  • Put all wastepaper and other combustibles in the dustbin at the end of each day.

  • Remove all plugs from sockets before leaving the building 

  • Ensure that flammable fluids are safely stored and containers are tightly closed.

  • Cabinets containing records and files must be locked at all times. Boxes, paper etc should not be left out or near flammable items.

  • Smoke detectors should be checked regularly

  • Our fire alarm system is linked to an alarm centre. If a fire occurs when the Club is open or when the Club is closed, the fire alarm will sound and the centre will be advised. 


Filing and storage


  • If you put items on shelves, use steps: do not use chairs or lifting by people, these can be unbalanced and dangerous to use.

  • Heavy materials and equipment must not be stored above head height on cupboards or lockers; chemicals must be stored in locked cupboards and clearly labelled.

  • When filling a four-draw cabinet for the first time always ensure that you fill the bottom drawer first. By doing this it will give weight to the bottom of the cabinet so that you can stabilise it, this will help prevent it from toppling over.

  • When using a filing cabinet do not have more than one drawer open at a time and close it when leaving it alone.


First aid


  • A responsible person shall be nominated to maintain a stock of first aid equipment and these must be checked regularly against an inventory provided by Meadow Primary Out of School Care Club. In some cases, serious accidents or injuries may result in an ambulance needing to be called.

  • First aid boxes are sited behind the desk in room 1 and on the desk in room 3. Staff first aid certificates must be renewed before expiry every three years.

  • An accident book must be kept at the club and is used by all members of staff for any accident that happens for each individual child and member of staff.


Safety of premises


  • All premises must be inspected by staff prior to commencement of use. Some of the following checks must be made:

1.All fire exits unlocked and unbolted, with lights operating.

2.Premises clear with no hazards apparent: Including loose floorings or spillages.

3.Premises must be laid out with furniture and equipment in such a way to optimise escape routes; making them safe and easy to access.

4.All fire appliances (i.e. fire extinguishers and fire blankets) must be in position ready for use at the start of each individual session.

  • All entrances, exits, corridors and stairways must be kept clear from furniture, refuse, loose floor covering and any other items that may impede or be hazardous to the public and staff.

  • Low windows should be fitted with safety glass and those that open should be fitted with guards.

  • Fire and smoke screen doors must be kept closed at all times and never wedged in the open position.

  • Staff must be instructed on the location and operation of all emergencies exits from the building and the location of the evacuation assembly point to be used in emergency situations.

  • A full hazard check will be carried out twice a year at the club by someone other than those presently employed in the building concerned. Findings will be reported to the club and the person in charge. Copies of all previous hazard checks must be kept on site and hazards rectified immediately.




  • Back injuries are a common form of accident within the workplace. It does not necessarily need a heavy load to strain your back.

  • When lifting you should:

Let your legs not your back take the strain when you are lifting – keep your back straight and bend your legs, do not lean forward.

You must never use you back as a lever; you should get help if you cannot lift it by yourself.

When you are carrying the item you should always ensure that you can see over the load and it is clear in front of you.

Staff who are engaged in lifting heavy objects should always use the safety leaflets before doing the job.


Smoking and Alcohol


  • There is a no smoking policy here at the Meadow Primary Out of School Care Club. Any staff that smoke are not allowed to do so on the premises. This is to prevent the children being exposed to various diseases or for any existing conditions to be worsened, see No Smoking, Alcohol And Drugs Policy.

  • No alcohol is allowed into the club under any circumstances; see No Smoking, Alcohol And Drugs Policy.



Trips out by the Out Of School Care Club


  • Parents should be asked to sign a general consent form to allow children to be taken on short or local outings, e.g. to the park and local town, see Outings Checklist.

  • Any trips outside the borough must be approved by the parents/carers and have parental/carers consent in writing.




  • All drivers on outings must hold relevant certificate of competence for the vehicle to be driven.

  • All persons travelling must wear a seatbelt at all times

  • Under no circumstances should private vehicles be used to carry passengers.

  • To ensure that both the driver and vehicle is properly licensed you must ask to see the following: operator’s license – this is issued by the Traffic Comissioner to companies who give evidence that their vehicles are MOT’d and regularly serviced.

Public vehicle license – this license is the only proof that the driver has undergone rigorous testing to show his/her competence.

  • All staff to ensure that all children are wearing their seatbelts and that they have conducted a visual check to ensure that all seatbelts are fastened and functioning properly.

  • The most senior member of staff on the trip should make sure that they take have a mobile telephone to contact the Manager together with contact details of all the children’s parents in case of severe illness or accident, details of any allergies/medical conditions pertaining to each the children on the trip. 




  • When there are children on the premises there must be always be at least two workers present

  • Adequate staff ratios must be maintained at all times

  • Staff on probation and voluntary helpers should not be left in sole charge of children. They must not be asked to take children into another room on their own or accompany a child to the toilets alone.

  • Climbing equipment must have rubber mats or some other form of cushioning underneath.

  • Children must be kept away from the kitchen area at all times.

  • Particular care should be taken to ensure very small pieces of play equipment are monitered.

  • Care must be taken to ensure that very small pieces of play equipment e.g. beads, are not swallowed by small children. 

  • All fires must be adequately guarded with British approved fireguards. 

  • Cleaning materials, bleach etc., must always be kept out of reach of children, but never above head height and should never be decanted into other bottles. 

  • Plastic bags must always be kept away from the play area in the store cupboard outside room 1. 

  • Parents/ guardians/ play workers must never have hot drinks around children. Adult’s drinking hot drinks should not be involved in play activities and stand well away from any child.

  • The first aid box must always be kept away from children to ensure that all dressings remain sterile,see also First Aid Box And Training Policy.

  • The Out Of School Care Club should take extra care about safety of children with disabilities or learning difficulties; see Special Educational Needs/Disability Policy.

  • Gates or doors leading outside the play area must always be kept closed. 

  • All children should have their own towel, or paper towels should be used. All cloth aprons should be washed weekly and PVC aprons wiped daily. 

  • Cups and beakers must be washed and rinsed after every use.

  • Home corner equipment should be washed thoroughly daily and regularly sterilised.  




  • CCTV has been installed throughout our building that records 24 hours a day in order to provide extra safety for all our children and staff. Additionally, it also provides extra security not only for all our children and staff but also for the building should a burglary be attempted or if a fire were to start, see Photography Policy.

  • The Manager, Deputy Manager or Breakfast Club Supervisors are responsible for monitoring the screen located on the manager’s desk in room 1 to see what is happening in each of the rooms during any session.

There are also monitoring screens in the cupboard in room four and the cupboard between rooms 1 and 2.

  • Access to the CCTV system and stored images is restricted to authorised personnel only and will only be shared with the Police and Social Services if required. Footage may be shown to parents at the managers discretion only if the manage feels it is necessary. Children’s faces will need to be blurred under data protection rules. A CCTV request form must be submitted to the manager before footage is reviewed. If parents do request to see footage there may be a charge if we have to pay the providing company to supply the footage.


Risk Assessment


  • Meadow Primary Out of School Care Club believes that where possible any thing that is likely to cause a hazard should be identified and an evaluation of its consequences to avoid or minimise the risk assessed by undertaking a risk assessment. 

  • Risk assessments should be carried out daily or regularly depending on the nature of the hazard and should be reviewed and updated when necessary; or at least once a year by the Manager.

Daily risk assessment checklists are kept in the risk assessment binder located behind the Manager’s desk.

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