If a child has an accident at any our clubs (Breakfast, After School or Play scheme), the child will be given First Aid, such as cleaning a graze, applying a cold compress or putting the child in the recovery position etc. Once the child has had First Aid applied/been made comfortable; all our staff are First Aid trained, having most recently completed a course in July 2017. (Staff are currently awaiting retraining in September as this had to be postponed due to Covid)
An Accident Report Form will be completed as soon as it is feasible to do so, with any injuries to the head together with any serious accidents being reported to the Manager or in her absence the Deputy Manager. All parents have indicated whether or not they consent to emergency treatment when registering the child, and this shall be administered in line with parental consent. The Manager/ Deputy Manager will telephone the parent/s to advise them of the details of the accident. Details of the name of the parent who was telephoned and the time they were advised will be recorded on the top of the Accident Report Form. Any minor accident that does not require immediate parental contact shall be brought to the parents/guardians attention by highlighting their child’s name in the sign in book. see also Sick Child, First Aid Box and Training, Health and Safety and Medication policies.
The details that will be completed on the accident report form include:
· The name of the child injured (one accident per child).
· The date and time of the accident.
· The nature of the accident, including the type and location of any injuries.
The name of the staff involved in the incident together with the name of any staff that witnessed the incident.
· The first aid applied, including any that is declined by the child.
Any other action required coupled with what precautions have been taken to prevent similar accidents occurring in the future.
The signature of the member of staff that saw/was informed of the accident, together with the signature of another member of staff that witnessed the accident (or the member of staff that gave the first aid). The parent will counter sign the accident form when the child is collected to confirm that they have been made aware of the accident.
If a child has a minor accident and no graze, bruise or wound is visible, an accident report form should also be completed. Should a member of staff have any queries regarding the latter, they should discuss the incident with the Manager or in her absence the Deputy Manager or Breakfast club supervisors.
Parents/carers will be contacted, if a child is injured above the shoulders, as soon as the injury is reported to a member of staff. It is our policy to do this, as in the event that a child has a pre-existing injury or condition that staff may be unaware of, the head injury could have more serious implications than it appears.
Following NHS guidance on head injuries, when a child has sustained a head injury at home, school or at Meadow Primary Out of School Care Club, carer or parental consent must be attained for the child to take part in certain physical/outdoor activities, such as football, for the following three weeks after the head injury has been sustained.